Wuxi Shiding Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hanging basket and accessories



Improve the mechanical and electrical loads of different flo

Hoist phase bridge full-controlled rectifier circuit with a resistive load α = 30 ° when the waveform of each section of conducting thyristor number still comply with the law, except that: the thyristor turn-time delayed 30 °, each segment consisting ud line voltage postponed 30 °, ud mean reduced.
Three-phase bridge controlled rectifier circuit with a resistive load α = 60 ° when the waveform of the waveform Ud line voltage waveform of each shift back to continue, the average decrease. Ud appeared zero when α = 60 °.
Visible, when α ≤60 ° when, ud waveforms continuously, for resistive load, id ud waveform and waveform shape as also continuous.
Three-phase bridge controlled rectifier circuit with resistive load α> 60 ° when the waveform, when α> 60 ° when, ud waveform every 60 ° in a period of zero. Once ud zero, id also reduced to zero, the current flowing through the thyristor that is reduced to zero, the thyristor is turned off, the rectified voltage ud zero output waveform ud can not be negative. When the three-phase bridge with resistive load full-controlled rectifier circuit α ​​angle phase shift range is 120 °.
Resistance inductive load thyristor VT1 conduction section, iVT1 waveform is determined by the load current wave shape id with ud different waveforms. When a ≤60 ° when, ud waveforms continuously, and work with a resistive load circuit is very similar: the case off the thyristors, the output waveform of the rectified voltage ud, thyristors withstand the voltage waveform.
Except that: the load is not the same, the same rectifier output voltage is applied to the load for each load current waveform of id, UD waveform shape waveform and the resistive load as id. When the group inductive load, due to the inductive effect, so that the load current waveform becomes flat when the inductor is large enough, the load current id waveform can be approximated as a horizontal line.
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